The Importance of Planning a Trip

Have you ever embarked on a trip that you’ve been longing for only to be disappointed? Arrived at your hotel and found out it was below your expectations? Discovered while on the trip that there are some exciting activities to engage in but they were all sold out?

These things happen often to many travelers and they turn what could have been a wonderful vacation into something mediocre.  

Let me share something with you: this rarely happens to me. In over 20 years of high-end vacations in many places around the world, I’ve been very rarely unhappy with my choices – for accommodations, activities, restaurants, etc. The secret is simple: careful planning!

Today planning seems to be an easy task : there is abundance of information on the Internet on every destination imaginable. With a click of a button one can find out more than he cares to know about the place he or she is going to visit. But this is both a blessing and a curse: how do you sort this massive amount of information? How do you know what sources are reliable? What do you take from this maze of knowledge and how do you fit it into a plan?

Take it is a great source of information for accommodations, restaurants and attractions. The fact that these places have been reviewed by a large number of people and that the reviews have been ranked methodically allows you to weed out those who do not “stack up”. But still – how do you know what is right for you? If there are 17,145 restaurants listed on this web site for London (yes, this is a real number…) – you can’t just pick one of the top few listed. They may not be right for YOUR needs – budgetary, type of place, location, etc. There is a fair amount of work to find among all of these places one, or a few, which would fit your plan.

I love I use it frequently in my planning and I am also a top contributor, having written 200 reviews in over 45 cities around the world that have been read by over 100,000 readers. I know how to take advantage of this wonderful tool in planning trips for myself as well as for others.

The same holds true for many great tools available on the Internet. It is the knowledge of which sources to use, how to cross-reference different sources, what to take from them, etc., that allows me to make the most out of this wealth of information rather than get buried in it.   This comes with a great deal of experience.

This is the main motivation behind setting up my web site -  to provide trip planning services to travelers seeking guidance on how to make their vacation special and memorable. My wealth of experience enables me to add significant value by selecting unique accommodations, activities and restaurants. It is something I love doing, as it gives me great pleasure to know that my service helps people get the most out of their vacation.

If you are planning a trip and would like to make it special - I invite you to request a free quote on the "request a quote" page.