
Where do you begin to share the glory of this wonderful country?

Maybe with Rome, a city rich history that showcases some of the most famous sites in the world, like the Coliseum, known for holding up to 80,000 screaming Romans to cheer on their favorite gladiator, or the center of ancient Rome, the Roman Forum, or Vatican_City – home to one of the world’s most recognized frescos – the Sistine Chapel. The grand ceiling that is a work of Michelangelo’s,

or maybe Florence, The heart of the Renaissance, Firenze is home to world renowned, iconic pieces of art, like Michelangelo’s David,  the Ponte Vecchio that spans the Arno River, the Uffizi galerries, home to numerous collections, including Botticelli’s The_Birth_of_Venus. Floence is also the center of Tuscany, a most popular region of the country, rich with landscapes, traditions, history and artistic legacy.

Maybe with Venice are its famous Gondolas, a romantic way to relax with a loved one while getting a tour of the numerous mansions along the water, culminating under the Bridge of Sighs. Or perhaps you’d like to rub elbows with the Venetian’s and traverse the city in the public transit water “busses” – il Vaporetti. And of course – don’t miss St Mark’s Square or one of the many beautiful squares hidden away throughout the city. You never know – you might stumble into a party or wedding in progress!

If shopping is on your list I can help you with. Traditional paper machet masks associated with Carnival_of_Venice, stunning Venetian glasswork from the island of Murano; or the famous Venetian lace, produced by hand still on the island of Burano.

or possibly with Milan: While Rome is known for its churches, and Florence for its art, Milan is Italy’s financial and fashion center. You can get a panoramic view of the city by going to the top of il Duomo, known for its gothic style. Milan is a bustling modern city that is easily navigated using its sophisticated subway system, whose tunnels are lined with numerous shops and restaurants. Just as you wouldn’t miss Rome’s Sistine Chapel or Florence’s David, missing Da Vinci’s The Last Supper would be almost criminal. Such herculean efforts have gone into the restoration and preservation of the masterpiece that a sophisticated pollution filtration system, humidity and temperature controllers were installed to maintain a precise climate for the painting – to include controlling the number of people who can view the painting at 15 minute intervals.

Italy is my favorite country and therefore I use every excuse – business, vacation, shopping – to go back and visit. I love the sites, the food, the people, the language – pretty much everything that is part of this place. In my numerous visits I’ve explored many parts of this diverse country. I try to find something new and interesting to do every time I visit: a cooking class at the home of a local chef in Florence; going to a private Carnival party in Venice; exploring vineyards in lesser known wine growing areas of the country.

If you are considering a visit to this grand destination – I can help you make it special by sharing my knowledge and experience in the home of La Dolce Vita!
Please review my profile on on the following link